Chapter 16

The First Query Builder: Paginator

In this chapter, we are going to build the first query builder. While doing this, we’ll run into a few things that are missing, so we’ll implement those along the way.

16.1. The Paginator builder

Query builders are used to scope down a list of entities based on the parameters requested by the client. In Alexandria, we want to provide 3 ways for the client to do that: pagination, sorting and filtering.

First, pagination will allow the client to only get a subset of the results using two parameters: page and per. Sorting will let a client decide how the list of entities should be organized, following the identifier, the released date or something else. Finally, filtering will be used to only get a subset of entities that are relevant to the given parameters.

To create the pagination query builder, we don’t need to update our presenters. Since we will be using global default values for the page and per parameters, there is no need to define those values in the presenters.

Currently, if we ask for the list of books, we get the entire list back. That’s fine for now because we only have 3 books, but for 3000 it won’t be okay anymore.

To fix that, we are going to build the pagination query builder that will rely on a neat little gem known as Kaminari. Just like will_paginate, this gem takes care of paginating a list of records.

16.2. Pagination with Kaminari

Let’s add Kaminari to the Gemfile

# Gemfile
source ''
git_source(:github) { |repo| "{repo}.git" }

ruby '2.5.0'

gem 'rails', '5.2.0'
gem 'sqlite3'
gem 'puma', '~> 3.11'
gem 'bootsnap', '>= 1.1.0', require: false
gem 'carrierwave'
gem 'carrierwave-base64'

# Add the kaminari gem
gem 'kaminari'

group :development, :test # Hidden Code
group :development # Hidden Code
group :test # Hidden Code

and run bundle install to get it installed.

Next, we need to create a bunch of folders for the query builders.

mkdir app/query_builders && mkdir spec/query_builders

Now, add the files for the Paginator builder and its tests with the command below.

touch app/query_builders/paginator.rb && \
  touch spec/query_builders/paginator_spec.rb

In the paginator.rb file we just created, put the code below. It’s the skeleton of the class we are about to build.

# app/query_builders/paginator.rb
class Paginator

  def initialize(scope, params, url)


Before we implement the rest, let’s write a bunch of tests to define the expectations of the Paginator. Once instantiated, this class will have the method paginate, which will return the paginated scope we passed in. To be able to write tests for it though, we first need to define some variables.

All these variables does is create a list of 3 books (the same as before) for us to play with. The other let calls are there to instantiate the Paginator class.

We don’t extensively test the pagination itself because we rely on the tests implemented in Kaminari itself to ensure that it works correctly. Here we just want to ensure that, when given specific parameters, we get the corresponding subset of entities.

# spec/query_builders/paginator_spec.rb
require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe Paginator do

  let(:ruby_microscope) { create(:ruby_microscope) }
  let(:rails_tutorial) { create(:ruby_on_rails_tutorial) }
  let(:agile_web_dev) { create(:agile_web_development) }
  let(:books) { [ruby_microscope, rails_tutorial, agile_web_dev] }

  let(:scope) { Book.all }
  let(:params) { { 'page' => '1', 'per' => '2' } }
  let(:paginator) {, params, 'url') }
  let(:paginated) { paginator.paginate }

  before do

  describe '#paginate' do
    it 'paginates the collection with 2 books' do
      expect(paginated.size).to eq 2

    it 'contains ruby_microscope as the first paginated item' do
      expect(paginated.first).to eq ruby_microscope

    it 'contains rails_tutorial as the last paginated item' do
      expect(paginated.last).to eq rails_tutorial

Try to run the tests.

rspec spec/query_builders/paginator_spec.rb

Of course it fails, since we haven’t implemented the code yet.

Failure (RED)


Finished in 0.24135 seconds (files took 2.23 seconds to load)
3 examples, 3 failures


We can fix it by adding a bunch of code to the Paginator class. We need to ensure that the paginate method returns the paginated scope. To do so, we need to extract the page and per parameters from the query parameters. Don’t pay too much attention to the url parameter, we will be using it to generate some metadata in the next section.

# app/query_builders/paginator.rb
class Paginator

  def initialize(scope, query_params, url)
    @query_params = query_params
    @page = @query_params['page'] || 1
    @per = @query_params['per'] || 10
    @scope = scope
    @url = url

  def paginate


Let’s run the tests.

rspec spec/query_builders/paginator_spec.rb

Success (GREEN)

    paginates the collection with 2 books
    contains ruby_microscope as the first paginated item
    contains rails_tutorial as the last paginated item

Finished in 0.30235 seconds (files took 2.18 seconds to load)
3 examples, 0 failures

Yes, great! However, we need to provide something else. We need to give more information to the client about the pagination and how to access the other pages.

16.3. Pagination Metadata

Instead of letting the client figure out everything on its own, we can provide it with a few useful links to go through the paginated collection. For example, things like the first page, previous page, next page and last page would be very useful. This kind of metadata is usually added somewhere in the JSON document and then sent back, so we could do it that way. But an emerging best practice is actually to put those links in the Link header, so we’ll do that now.

Let’s add more tests to the paginator_spec file. We need to ensure that the links method in the Paginator class returns a string containing the first/previous/next/last URLs formatted in the correct way:

<http://localhost:4567/api/books?page=X&per=Y>; rel="first|previous|next|last"
# spec/query_builders/paginator_spec.rb
require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe Paginator do
  # Hidden Code: let definitions
  describe '#paginate' # Hidden Code

  describe '#links' do
    let(:links) { paginator.links.split(', ') }

    context 'when first page' do
      let(:params) { { 'page' => '1', 'per' => '2' } }

      it 'builds the "next" relation link' do
        expect(links.first).to eq '<url?page=2&per=2>; rel="next"'

      it 'builds the "last" relation link' do
        expect(links.last).to eq '<url?page=2&per=2>; rel="last"'

    context 'when last page' do
      let(:params) { { 'page' => '2', 'per' => '2' } }

      it 'builds the "first" relation link' do
        expect(links.first).to eq '<url?page=1&per=2>; rel="first"'

      it 'builds the "previous" relation link' do
        expect(links.last).to eq '<url?page=1&per=2>; rel="prev"'
  end # describe '#links' end

If we run the tests for this file, we get a bunch of failures.

rspec spec/query_builders/paginator_spec.rb

Failure (RED)


Finished in 0.39977 seconds (files took 2.2 seconds to load)
7 examples, 4 failures


Let’s add the missing code to the Paginator to make all those tests pass. Since there are many additions, going through each one of them before looking at the whole class should be easier.

The first thing we need is a few methods to check which links should be included. A client asking for the first page (?page=1&per=Y) doesn’t really care about the pagination link of the first page or the previous page (there are no previous pages!). However, the client would be interested in getting the next page and the last one.

def show_first_link?
  @scope.total_pages > 1 && !@scope.first_page?

def show_previous_link?

def show_next_link?

def show_last_link?
  @scope.total_pages > 1 && !@scope.last_page?

Next, we need a method that’s going to build a hash with each link. This method will be the only one using the checkers we created above.

def pages
  @pages ||= {}.tap do |h|
    h[:first] = 1 if show_first_link?
    h[:prev] = @scope.current_page - 1 if show_previous_link?
    h[:next] = @scope.current_page + 1 if show_next_link?
    h[:last] = @scope.total_pages if show_last_link?

Finally, the links method will be a public method. This method will be called on an instantiated Paginator at the controller level to set the Link header.

def links
  @links ||= pages.each_with_object([]) do |(k, v), links|
    query_params = @query_params.merge({ 'page' => v, 'per' => @per }).to_param
    links << "<#{@url}?#{query_params}>; rel=\"#{k}\""
  end.join(', ')

Here is the complete updated class.

# app/query_builders/paginator.rb
class Paginator

  def initialize(scope, query_params, url)
    @query_params = query_params
    @page = @query_params['page'] || 1
    @per = @query_params['per'] || 10
    @scope =
    @url = url

  def paginate

  def links
    @links ||= pages.each_with_object([]) do |(k, v), links|
      query_params = @query_params.merge({ 'page' => v, 'per' => @per }).to_param
      links << "<#{@url}?#{query_params}>; rel=\"#{k}\""
    end.join(", ")


  def pages
    @pages ||= {}.tap do |h|
      h[:first] = 1 if show_first_link?
      h[:prev] = @scope.current_page - 1 if show_previous_link?
      h[:next] = @scope.current_page + 1 if show_next_link?
      h[:last] = @scope.total_pages if show_last_link?

  def show_first_link?
    @scope.total_pages > 1 && !@scope.first_page?

  def show_previous_link?

  def show_next_link?

  def show_last_link?
    @scope.total_pages > 1 && !@scope.last_page?


If we run the tests now, everything should work properly!

rspec spec/query_builders/paginator_spec.rb

Success (GREEN)


    paginates the collection with 2 books
    contains ruby_microscope as the first paginated item
    contains rails_tutorial as the last paginated item
    when first page
      builds the "next" relation link
      builds the "last" relation link
    when last page
      builds the "first" relation link
      builds the "previous" relation link

Finished in 0.69567 seconds (files took 2.73 seconds to load)
7 examples, 0 failures

16.4. Pagination Helper Method

The Paginator seems to be ready. To make it easier to reuse it across different controllers, we are going to add a method in the ApplicationController that will deal with instantiating a paginator and setting the Link header.

# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::API


  def paginate(scope)
    paginator =, request.query_parameters, current_url)
    response.headers['Link'] = paginator.links

  def current_url
    request.base_url + request.path


16.5. Updating the Books Controller

Before we update the books controller, we can write more tests in the spec/requests/books_spec.rb file to test the pagination. In those tests, we need to check if we are correctly getting the paginated subset of entities and if the Link header is correctly set depending on the page we requested.

# spec/requests/books_spec.rb
require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe 'Books', type: :request do
  # Hidden Code: let definitions
  describe 'GET /api/books' do
    before { books }

    context 'default behavior' # Hidden Code
    describe 'field picking'  # Hidden Code

    describe 'pagination' do
      context 'when asking for the first page' do
        before { get('/api/books?page=1&per=2') }

        it 'receives HTTP status 200' do
          expect(response.status).to eq 200

        it 'receives only two books' do
          expect(json_body['data'].size).to eq 2

        it 'receives a response with the Link header' do
          expect(response.headers['Link'].split(', ').first).to eq(
            '<>; rel="next"'

      context 'when asking for the second page' do
        before { get('/api/books?page=2&per=2') }

        it 'receives HTTP status 200' do
          expect(response.status).to eq 200

        it 'receives only one book' do
          expect(json_body['data'].size).to eq 1
    end # describe 'pagination' end

Try to run the tests… then watch them fail miserably

rspec spec/requests/books_spec.rb

Failure (RED)


Finished in 0.61217 seconds (files took 2.16 seconds to load)
10 examples, 3 failures


Luckily, we can easily fix those tests by simply calling the paginate method (paginate(Book.all)) in the books controller.

# app/controllers/books_controller.rb
class BooksController < ApplicationController

  def index
    books = paginate(Book.all).map do |book|, params)).pick

    render json: { data: books }.to_json


Let’s try running the tests again.

rspec spec/requests/books_spec.rb

Success (GREEN)


  GET /api/books
    gets HTTP status 200
    receives a json with the "data" root key
    receives all 3 books
    field picking
      with the fields parameter
        gets books with only the id, title and author_id keys
      without the field parameter
        gets books with all the fields specified in the presenter
      when asking for the first page
        receives HTTP status 200
        receives only two books
        receives a response with the Link header
      when asking for the second page
        receives HTTP status 200
        receives only one book

Finished in 1.12 seconds (files took 1.81 seconds to load)
10 examples, 0 failures

Success, yay!

16.6. Returning Errors

What if a client starts sending incorrect values for the page or per parameters? For instance using a word instead of a number? We cannot let that happen.

In those situations, we should send back 400 Bad Request because the client made a mistake when building the request and we cannot process it. Add a small test to ensure that we get 400 when calling /api/books?page=fake&per=10.

# spec/requests/books_spec.rb
require "rails_helper"

RSpec.describe "Books", type: :request do
  # Hidden Code: let definitions

  describe 'GET /api/books' do
    before { books }

    context 'default behavior' # Hidden Code
    describe 'field picking'  # Hidden Code

    describe 'pagination' do
      context 'when asking for the first page' # Hidden Code
      context 'when asking for the second page' # Hidden Code

      context "when sending invalid 'page' and 'per' parameters" do
        before { get('/api/books?page=fake&per=10') }

        it 'receives HTTP status 400' do
          expect(response.status).to eq 400

    end # describe 'pagination' end

rspec spec/requests/books_spec.rb

Failure (RED)

1) Books GET /api/books pagination when sending invalid 'page' and 'per'
parameters receives HTTP status 400
   Failure/Error: expect(response.status).to eq 400

     expected: 400
          got: 200
Finished in 0.78048 seconds (files took 2.22 seconds to load)
11 examples, 1 failure

Of course the new test is failing. We are currently not checking if the parameters are valid. To fix this test, we are going to create our first custom error, QueryBuilderError.

Let’s store our custom errors in the app/errors folder.

mkdir app/errors && touch app/errors/query_builder_error.rb

Here is the content of this new class that inherits from StandardError.

# app/errors/query_builder_error.rb
class QueryBuilderError < StandardError
  attr_accessor :invalid_params

  def initialize(invalid_params)
    @invalid_params = invalid_params

Next, we need a method in the Paginator class to ensure that the given query parameters are valid. That’s the responsibility of the validate_param method that will take two arguments: the parameter being checked (page or per) and the default value for that specific parameter. It will check if the value sent by the client is a number using a simple regular expression and raise the QueryBuilderError error if that’s not the case.

# app/query_builders/paginator.rb
class Paginator

  def initialize(scope, query_params, url)
    @query_params = query_params
    @page = validate_param!('page', 1)
    @per = validate_param!('per', 10)
    @scope =
    @url = url

  def paginate # Hidden Code
  def links # Hidden Code


  def validate_param!(name, default)
    return default unless @query_params[name]
    unless (@query_params[name] =~ /\A\d+\z/)
      'Invalid Pagination params. Only numbers are supported for "page" and "per".'

  def pages # Hidden Code
  def show_first_link? # Hidden Code
  def show_previous_link? # Hidden Code
  def show_next_link? # Hidden Code
  def show_last_link? # Hidden Code


How is our test doing now?

rspec spec/requests/books_spec.rb

Failure (RED)

1) Books GET /api/books pagination when sending invalid "page" and "per"
parameters receives HTTP status 400
   Failure/Error: before { get('/api/books?page=fake&per=10') }
     Invalid Pagination params. Only integers supported for 'page' and 'per'.

It’s correctly raising the error, but this is not good… It’s just going to tell the client that something went wrong in the API without many details. We should return a JSON document explaining the problem.

To be able to return a JSON document when the error is raised, we need to catch it at the controller level. The good news is that it’s pretty simple using something like this:

rescue_from QueryBuilderError, with: :handling_method

Let’s add this line to the ApplicationController with a handling method named query_builder_error that will return a response containing the error message and the invalid parameters.

# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::API

  rescue_from QueryBuilderError, with: :query_builder_error


  def query_builder_error(error)
    render status: 400, json: {
      error: {
        message: error.message,
        invalid_params: error.invalid_params

  def paginate(scope)
    paginator =, request.query_parameters, current_url)
    response.headers['Link'] = paginator.links

  def current_url
    request.base_url + request.path


Let’s run our tests to see if we are correctly getting 400 Bad Request now.

rspec spec/requests/books_spec.rb

Success (GREEN)


Finished in 0.94986 seconds (files took 2.68 seconds to load)
11 examples, 0 failures

Before we proceed, it’s probably a good idea to add a few more tests checking the error document being returned.

# spec/requests/books_spec.rb
require "rails_helper"

RSpec.describe "Books", type: :request do
  # Hidden Code: let definitions
  describe 'GET /api/books' do
    before { books }

    context 'default behavior' # Hidden Code
    describe 'field picking'  # Hidden Code

    describe 'pagination' do
      context 'when asking for the first page' # Hidden Code
      context 'when asking for the second page' # Hidden Code

      context "when sending invalid 'page' and 'per' parameters" do
        before { get('/api/books?page=fake&per=10') }

        it 'receives HTTP status 400' do
          expect(response.status).to eq 400

        it 'receives an error' do
          expect(json_body['error']).to_not be nil

        it "receives 'page=fake' as an invalid param" do
          expect(json_body['error']['invalid_params']).to eq 'page=fake'
    end # describe 'pagination' end
rspec spec/requests/books_spec.rb

Finished in 0.85853 seconds (files took 2.93 seconds to load)
13 examples, 0 failures

We are now handling errors and will be able to reuse this system for the other query builders.

16.7. Preparing For the Arrival of More Builders

We didn’t have to change our presenter for the pagination. In order to implement sorting and filtering, though, we need a place for each model to define which fields can be used for those two features.

16.7.1. Updating the BasePresenter Class

Just like for the field picking feature, we need a way in the presenters to define a list of attributes that can be used. First, let’s write some tests! They are going to be super similar to the one we wrote for the build_with class method because they will work in exactly the same way.

# spec/presenters/base_presenter_spec.rb
require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe BasePresenter do

  class Presenter < BasePresenter; end

  describe '#initialize' # Hidden code
  describe '#as_json' # Hidden code
  describe '.build_with' # Hidden Code

  describe '.related_to' do
    it 'stores the correct value' do
      Presenter.related_to :author, :publisher
      expect(Presenter.relations).to eq ['author', 'publisher']

  describe '.sort_by' do
    it 'stores the correct value' do
      Presenter.sort_by :id, :title
      expect(Presenter.sort_attributes).to eq ['id', 'title']

  describe '.filter_by' do
    it 'stores the correct value' do
      Presenter.filter_by :title
      expect(Presenter.filter_attributes).to eq ['title']


First step of the TDD cycle: run the tests.

rspec spec/presenters/base_presenter_spec.rb

Failure (RED)


Finished in 0.06466 seconds (files took 2.17 seconds to load)
8 examples, 3 failures


To make those tests pass, let’s implement the same logic used for build_attributes. This time, the new attributes are sort_attributes, filter_attributes and relations. relations will be used later for the representation builder that will take care of embedding other entities, but we can already add it.

# app/presenters/base_presenter.rb
class BasePresenter
  # Add more class instance attributes
  @relations = []
  @sort_attributes = []
  @filter_attributes = []
  @build_attributes = []

  class << self
    # Define the accessors for the attributes created
    # above
    attr_accessor :relations, :sort_attributes,
                  :filter_attributes, :build_attributes

    def build_with(*args)
      @build_attributes =

    # Add a bunch of methods that will be used in the
    # model presenters
    def related_to(*args)
      @relations =

    def sort_by(*args)
      @sort_attributes =

    def filter_by(*args)
      @filter_attributes =


  # Hidden Code
  # accessors, initialize, ...

If we run the tests now, they are passing - awesome!

rspec spec/presenters/base_presenter_spec.rb

Success (GREEN)


Finished in 0.06283 seconds (files took 2.24 seconds to load)
8 examples, 0 failures

But the code is really repetitive and I don’t like that! I think we could improve it with a bit of metaprogramming. This is totally optional and won’t change any functionality, so implement it only if you want to. I know some developers dislike metaprogramming because it can make the code less readable, but, in my opinion, it makes the code cleaner and more compact.

The logic is the same but now, instead of implementing each method manually, we use a hash containing a key (the method name) and a value (the class instance variable name). All we have to do is loop through this hash to define our methods!

# app/presenters/base_presenter.rb
class BasePresenter
    build_with: :build_attributes,
    related_to: :relations,
    sort_by: :sort_attributes,
    filter_by: :filter_attributes

  CLASS_ATTRIBUTES.each { |k, v| instance_variable_set("@#{v}", []) }

  class << self
    attr_accessor *CLASS_ATTRIBUTES.values

    CLASS_ATTRIBUTES.each do |k, v|
      define_method k do |*args|

  # Hidden Code
  # accessors, initialize, ...

Thanks to the tests we wrote, we can be sure that refactoring the code didn’t break anything.

rspec spec/presenters/base_presenter_spec.rb

Success (GREEN)


Finished in 0.05242 seconds (files took 2.26 seconds to load)
8 examples, 0 failures

16.7.2. Updating the BookPresenter Class

Now we can quickly update the book presenter by using the new methods we just created: related_to, sort_by and filter_by.

# app/presenters/book_presenter.rb
class BookPresenter < BasePresenter
  build_with    :id, :title, :subtitle, :isbn_10, :isbn_13, :description,
                :released_on, :publisher_id, :author_id, :created_at, :updated_at,
  related_to    :publisher, :author
  sort_by       :id, :title, :released_on, :created_at, :updated_at
  filter_by     :id, :title, :isbn_10, :isbn_13, :released_on, :publisher_id,

  def cover


16.8. Pushing Our Changes

It’s now time to push our changes to GitHub. The flow is the same as in the previous chapter. First, however, let’s run our test suite to ensure that everything is still working.


Success (GREEN)


Finished in 1.34 seconds (files took 2.2 seconds to load)
50 examples, 0 failures

Great! Here is the list of steps to push the code.

Check the changes.

git status
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

	modified:   Gemfile
	modified:   Gemfile.lock
	modified:   app/controllers/application_controller.rb
	modified:   app/controllers/books_controller.rb
	modified:   app/presenters/base_presenter.rb
	modified:   app/presenters/book_presenter.rb
	modified:   spec/presenters/base_presenter_spec.rb
	modified:   spec/requests/books_spec.rb

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Stage them.

git add .

Commit the changes.

git commit -m "Add Paginator"

Push to GitHub.

git push origin master

16.9. Wrap Up

In this chapter, we have implemented our first query builder, the Paginator. Throughout its implementation we also created useful mechanisms to make our life a little bit simpler.

We have also updated the BasePresenter class to be ready for all the future query and representation builders.